Friday, February 22, 2008

Lighting Stand Strip Light

I thought I'd add something a little different here today to go along with the daily photo concept.

I have been lurking on the strobes website for some time now and decided over the weekend that it would be really fun to make some striplights attachments to fit onto my my two strobes (thanks in no small part to strobist for enthusing me to jump head long into the fray of off camera lighting! If you haven't for some reason gone to the site then do yourself a favour and do so) and here is the photos and plans of how I went about it in the hope that it may be useful to someone. Click Read more to see how I did it.

First off I can hardly claim that the idea is my completely my own but I have yet to find any instructions on how to make one (though they may well exist) so here it is.

1. First off source a correctly sized box (mine came from my new light stands :) which I hope to put to good work later on this week).

2. cut a hole in one face of it leaving a 1-2cm clearance at the top and sides at the bottom leave a 10cm clearance.

3. Using aluminium foil line and spray adhesive (superglue works fine if you run out/ can't get any) line the inside of the box with foil (shiny side up). I found the easiest way to do this was to cut strips to the perfect size of one of the inside faces and do that before moving onto the next. Be use to use a rag/cloth to press the foil flat to create a uniform surface.

4. Tape up the bottom (the side with the 10cm clearence form the hole) and cut a squashed "H" into it to allow the strobe to enter.

5. finally using some dust cloth (the stuff they make dust protective suits out of or some fine white cloth cut a rectangle of the fabric large enough to cover the opening on the box with a clearance of 1cm. Using gaffer tape stick this to the box.

Your done! As you can see the bottom is a bit hotter then the rest of the light but hopefully this wont be a big problem. I hope to get some photos up with this set up soon and when I do so I will let you know. If this process seems at all unclear then please look through the rest of he images on flickr that I uploaded but were unable to fit into this post.


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