Wednesday, February 27, 2008

DP: Climbing - South Georgia Expedition 05-06

Here is todays Daily Photo, once again taken on a climbing expedition on the wonderful Richon GR1s on Velia 100.
Till tomorrow

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Tuesday, February 26, 2008

DP: Archery portrait

_DSC0055, originally uploaded by james.budge.

So im very late on getting todays/yestersdays daily photo up but here it is anyway. Its one from the archery portrait shoot (see details in post below). Processed in a mock "300" way.
Hope you like it

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Archery Photo Shoot

So an other slightly different post today, I am going to write up the first real strobist shoot I have ever done. If people like this I will continue to try and write them up as I go along.

So the shoot was with the university Archery club.

We did two main shoots one to try and get an action shoot with an arrow in the air, and the second a portrait shoot.

_DSC0055 _DSC0034

The action shot.

We set up two strobes to start with one behind the archer and one mid way along the range. After a few shoots with this we realise the rest of the range was too dark so we added a second strobe further along (see diagram). We got some success with this but not much with timing being our main problem. Also it always seemed that the arrows were blurred, thought we were able to get something using a lighter poundage bow (a weaker one so the arrows weren't so fast but then we couldn't get the timing right!). Anyway composition wasn't great but its given us some ideas for a reshoot at some point.


light behind in an umbrella (silver bounce) at 1/4 the other two were at 1/8 into white umbrellas (triggered using CLS) we hoped that the ones at 1/8 would be a faster duration then one at 1/4 but don't know if that's true or not!

The Portrait Shoot

Next we moved onto a portrait session. Getting some interesting kind of looks and learning a lot (like how annoying CLS can be.... oh to have those radio poppers :) )

light camera left was bare zoomed to 50mm and at 1/4 the other two were behind and also camera right 1/8 zoomed to 50mm. See the layout below:


So that's it really just wanted to add something that hopefully will be of use to some of you and hopefully get some feedback.

Anyway that all for today till the daily photo!

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Monday, February 25, 2008

DP: Climbing - South Georgia Expedition 05-06

This is today's photo again one from a climbing exped, taken on velvia 100 again on the richon GR1s. It had just become light and we had already been climbing for a few hours when we had switch out of our snow shoes and start the climbing proper.

Till tomorrow,

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Sunday, February 24, 2008

DP: lost chinstrap - South Georgia Expedition 05-06

So today's daily photo is from the second South Georgia Expedition taken on velia 100 iso on my fm3a + 80-200mm f2.8. The animals are so very tame on the island that approaching this little fellow was very easy.

till tomorrow

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Saturday, February 23, 2008

DP: Rush Hour - Hong Kong

Rush Hour - Hong Kong, originally uploaded by james.budge.

So I'm a little late today as have been really busy and just got back from a ball. Todays daily photo was taken with a nikon fm3a and old sigma zoom lens (28-115) a few years ago. Can't sadly remeber which b&w film it was (think possibly pan-x) and has an exposure of around 1 second.

Hope you like it,

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Friday, February 22, 2008

DP: Artic tern

farne-22, originally uploaded by james.budge.

Todays Daily photo is of an artic tern. It was taken on the Farne Isles last summer and these guys while nesting love to dive bomb anything nearby. However after having to deal with them in South Georgia I was less worried then most and pulled out a wide lens 12-24 and saw what I could get, and this is one of those shots.

Hope you like it,

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